I have the pleasure to introduce you to the amazing Paris-based artist Caroline Bénech who shares with us her vision of cities. She agreed to answer my questions. Here is the interview for you...
Can you introduce yourself please?
Young French born artist, aiming to share idealistic visions of the contemporary world, as a way of life. I’m keen on offering a vision of art with positive values, a sublimation of reality and emotions. I’m living with phantasmagoric ideas appearing intuitively in my mind, often invading places and situations. My artwork finds it's origins in the combination of mediums : photography, numerical drawing, painting and textures, and also installations.
Where do you take your inspiration from?
As expected, primarly cities. Especially cites by night, when lights appear above urban-scapes transforming architectures and shapes, and when reality fades. Then my dreams fill with new wild ideas and surreal worlds. Everything around me provides constant inspiration, essentially music, people, sciences. And last but not least, art !
What is so fascinating in the concept of urbanity and cities?
Cities are alive, infinitely transforming. Urbanities mirror everything about the world, presenting fascinating personality portraits reflecting periods, cultures, societies, technologies.
Which is the best city to live in according to you?
I can’t limit my choice. Discovering new places is the most exciting. An utopic city beyond the bounds, possibly. And a great Paris/NYC amalgam is a possible option.
Any current or coming projects ?
I’m working on installations with motion, videoprojection and sound design, that all come together to create a more intense sensation of immersion for the spectator. The urban universe of my pictures awakes and moves in and around ad infinitum.
If you were not an artist what would you do?
Hard to figure out… If I had skills, I would have sought scientific research, especially in biology and other living systems.
To finish with, what would you wish to this blog?
That Art Is Alive will win over new art lovers, generating interest like a real showcase of art culture, easy to access. That it will keep growing as a real alternative to art exhibitions in galleries or museums. And that contributions will continue to provide new ideas, applications of imagination and creativity.
Thank you so much Caroline!
More info on: http://www.benech.fr/